Where is the motivator?

While recognizing that motivation is the main engine in performance, immediately correlated with productivity, a large number of managers, even those with a high level of training, neglects this aspect. They think that maintaining high levels of motivation is a Human Resources Director’s task. In...

Learning versus Know-how

In times of great change, know-how quickly becomes obsolete. An organization that establishes its focus according to the long-term future should value the ability to learn more over the ability to execute something well. Products’ life cycles are becoming shorter and this fact entails the need...

When haste is a bad deal

Undoubtedly, high speed is a factor of success. In decision-making or carrying out critical matters, a few minutes can make all the difference. However, haste is the enemy of good judgment. Therefore, a leader with great responsibilities cannot afford the luxury of hurrying. Haste comes as...

The requirements to be more and better

‘Altius, Citius, Fortius’, the famous Olympic motto, which calls for one to jump higher, run faster and be stronger, is a good example of how the search for self-improvement constantly inspires a winning spirit. However, for this winning spirit to be sustainable in the long run...

Change before you need to

No one lives on an island – you're not the only one that wants to get what you want. Like it or not, this is the reality. Today’s preference does not carry the guarantee that it will remain so tomorrow. Unless you are the one who...

How to spot a leader

First of all, a leader is admirably able to direct himself: when he gives himself an order and executes it happily without hesitation or complaining. One calls it discipline. Whether he has the title or not, a leader is someone who has followers. If no one...

Recognition or dismissal?

Recognition is part of the intangible benefits that your company authorizes and the way to express it does not have to be cast-iron necessarily. Humans need to be recognized for their achievements and this encourages further accomplishments. Be lavish in recognition of those who achieve goals,...

Mistake tolerance

Innovation is a risky task. So, if you are not willing to tolerate frequent mistakes, forget the possibility of innovating at a decent pace. Anyone can make a mistake during a process of change and when exploring new alternatives. To err is human and we should...

A long day

You come home exhausted. Hunger and fatigue do not give you room to have a healthy and slow diet in good company. You don’t feel very inclined to socialize. You drag yourself to the couch, hoping that sleep will not keep you from sharing, even...

Diversity is wealth

In order that everybody is attuned to achieving the organizational vision in a cohesive way, it is not necessary that everyone in the team should think in the same way. In fact, to find the presence of such evidence would be even dangerous, since it...