Only reprimand after teaching

One of the worst injustice feelings that your employees can experience is to be reprimanded for something that they hadn’t previously been informed should be done or done differently. First, teach and teach well. Ensure that the other party has understood. If possible, personally monitor the...

1001 Ideas and suggestions

Don’t your employees come up with ideas and suggestions for improvement? Most likely, you are not receiving their input willingly. The most valuable resource of any organization is each person, who is a part of the purpose. Without human beings nothing would be accomplished. Appreciate the...

Interior decoration

Decorating an environment and conceiving the ideal arrangement of the components that will be a part of it is a task that is not always easy. For a layman in the subject, combining beauty and functionality in a balanced way can become a difficult challenge...

The first weapon

Yes, a simple tool can easily become a weapon in the hands of someone unscrupulous or ignorant. Everyone, from birth, counts on it even without having asked for it. Communication is the most powerful tool (or weapon) in that it makes or breaks the bonds of...

The need to be successful

Winning feels good and that's why we seek moments when the rush of excitement triggers great pleasure. We all want to have more pleasure. There is nothing wrong with wanting to win. On the contrary, it is a mark of great self-esteem, which in turn helps...

Your company: a work of art

"Sunflowers" by Van Gogh, didn’t appear to fill a market need, to increase the turnover of the famous Dutch painter’s small studio, or to diversify the supply of frames and thus expand its market share in works of art. The "I Phone" by Steve Jobs...

The quickest route

You have various options, several possibilities along your path: which to choose? Crossroads are part of one’s day-to-day life and you know it wouldn’t be prudent of you to toss a coin in order to randomly choose a route to reach your goal. Not always is...

Do as I tell you

If you ever had to utter these words, consider resigning or taking a leadership course urgently. Otherwise, you will have a riot brewing behind the door or your employees’ loyalty will equal that of a Persian mercenary in the times of Alexander the Great. Neither...

The yeast of innovation

Innovation is intelligence ‘playing house’ inside your mind. All that is new, before being new, was unknown. To enter into unknown territory, the bold adventurer should know how to deal with one who helps him or her - the attractive - and one who hinders him...