Form matters

To cultivate beauty in all aspects of your business, besides increasing the pleasure of stakeholders, increases results. The quality of your product or service should be unarguably your reflection. Also, the way in which you present yourself and/or your products says a lot about you. Also,...

Amorous relationships in the office

We all know amorous relationships happen in the office, but there are few who dare to broach the subject openly. When someone hires superstars, they know they will bring their passions, anxieties and characteristic panache with them. Naturally, the contact between them can be tricky. Either...

Four steps to loving your job

Statistics show that only 41% of people love what they do. If you're among the 59% or intend to never belong to the group of those who swallow their pride from 9h to 17h, read carefully about what you must ‘work’ on: Accept yourself: If you...

Tears upon the desk

Thanks to the increasing presence of women in organizations and a greater acceptance of psychological issues such as anxiety and depression in the workplace, social stigma about tears has been reducing over the years. Crying is not a sign of weakness, it is just biology. Women...

Pregnancy in top executives

When projecting a member of your team’s career, have you ever asked one of your executives, who are men, if they plan to be a father? Certainly not. However, in the case of a young woman, if you haven’t asked that, at the very least,...

Hostile relationship

In general, hostility and violence in relationships camouflage insecurity and lack of personal confidence in the one who shows them. From emotional abuse to physical assault, all signs of hostility or rivalry, which come down to basically the same thing, are signs of weakness. One who...

Ethical slip

In a highly competitive environment in which there is great pressure for results, an ethical slip can easily be mistaken for a simple business action. Numerous executives, previously considered ethically clean by those who were close to them, are now in prison. The moral and behaviour principles...

Got a minute?

No, I haven’t. If you would like a minute of mine, you have to give me something of value for it. After all, it is in minutes that the most valuable thing I possess is measured: my life. If you allow indiscipline or incompetence in the...

Training makes perfect

Training sets standards thanks to the understanding that your employees will have of the organization's goals. Training even elevates these standards. If you do not provide your employees with training, do not be surprised if they do not reach the next level on their own...