To accept or not corporate gifts

In the business world, both giving and receiving gifts can be correctly or incorrectly interpreted depending on the circumstances. Furthermore, it can also cause you serious problems if, at the time, you do not know how to act. The Emotional Excellence methodology stands for prevention, so...

Life is not a democracy

You are in charge, period. Learn to do so. Others may give their opinion, have a vote in a particular matter, and it’s very nice to have an advisory council, but the one who decides is you. However, you shouldn’t give just anyone the right to...

Be distinguishable by being distinguished

The fact that your company, products or your own personality are distinguishable, does not mean they are distinguished. Distinguished, in the literal and figurative sense. Nowadays, many marketing experts believe that almost anything can be used to differentiate themselves from competitors. As a result, the market...

Emotion and reasoning in a balanced mind

Reasoning is the mental faculty that allows one to form ideas, judgments and representations of reality. According to António Damásio, the famous Portuguese neuroscientist, emotions are the brain's interpretation of reactions to changes from the world (in practical terms, reality). His book “Descartes´ error” fittingly...

Feed your brain or pay with bad decisions

Certain habits, such as eating and sleeping, are related to academic as well as professional success. This has been clearly proven. Your brain can’t function properly if you are not consuming enough calories or if you are dehydrated. With few hours of sleep, the brain receptors...

Creativity is a priority

To think "outside the box" is a necessity, not an option. Trying new alternatives is a requirement for development. Today, it is more important than any other factor. However, people generally hate to dive into what is new. Yes, they like a new version of something...

Leading without controlling

If you're afraid someone else will head the project you are working on, you are probably a controlling leader, even without knowing it. Other signs include: asking to have the last word before your team proceeds, thinking that your opinion must be considered at all stages...

Leave your audience inspired

Did you know that fear of public speaking, statistically, is the number one fear? Even more prevalent than the fear of dying! If you, too, worry about speaking in public now you know that you’re not the only one. As someone who did not even speak...

If it’s fun, people will do it

I know many would like it, but as a responsible leader, you know you cannot (nor do you have the right) to control people like puppets. This does not mean you cannot create a highly motivating and productive environment. Again and again, organisational research has shown...